マンガの描き方、漫画作品見本 と YOUTUBE等のリンク
For more information and your interest see my other related sites too.
At this site; 9vae.net you can download the anime creation software for free of charge. There is English description for you to learn how to use it.
suzuki-junko Art Gallery
鈴木純子Art Galleryは絵本作家・イラストレーターの作品見本です。
The site; Suzuki-junko.Art Gallery shows you registered picture book writer and illustrator Ms Suzuki Junko’s work.
At this site; www.youtube.com/user/yamadakikaku2009 you can see the video version of ‘How to Draw Manga’. If you want to see its text version, please see the site; manga-training.com.you can also see some work by Manga_ka and illustrators registered in Yamada-Kikaku can be seen here.
This site; mekamushi shows you some work of a craft-artist Mr. Shiraishi Takuya who has been supporting us a lot. You can see how to make his craftart, especially the work called ‘mekamushi’, insect figures using various kinds of mechanical parts.